Friday, January 27, 2012

The Proposal

Bukan, saya bukan mau ngebahas atau cerita tentang film "The Proposal" yang dibintangin Ryan Reynolds sama Sandra Bullock itu, bukaaan.. Yaaa, ga jauh-jauh sih, saya emang mau ngebahas film, tapi serial, bukan layar lebar. Dan saya juga mau ngebahas tentang lamaran, buat nikah lho yaaa, bukan kerjaan. *Beeeuh, begaye emang mentang-mentang udah sarjana!* #PLAK!

Oke, FOKUS! Jadi ceritanya tadi pagi saya ke warnet buat ngerampok film. Biasa laaaah, kerjaan anak muda yang belom bisa cari kerjaan "beneran". Yah, daripada ngerampok toko apalagi bank, kan..

Nah, ternyata serial Glee season 3 udah update di warnet langganan saya, episode 10 yang terbaru udah nongol, maka langsung aja saya sikat habis saat itu juga. Bentar, bentar. Hah? Ga tau Glee? Yang boneng lo?! Ah, katro deeeeeeh.. Oke, saya jelasin. Jadiiii, Glee itu adalah serial TV dari Amerika yang mulai tayang tahun 2010 kalo ga salah, sekarang udah sampe season 3. Konsepnya semacam drama musical gitu, tapi jangan anggep sama kayak "High School Musical" yah! Cuma mirip tampilannya, isinya jauh lebih oke dan, kalo pake istilah adek saya, KECE, whatever that means.

Glee bercerita tentang ekskul seni suara di salah satu public school di Ohio, yang berusaha eksis, karena mereka selalu dianggep anak buangan dan dipandang seperempat mata. *Hah? 1/4?! Bingung, bingung, deh lho sono!* Salah satu cara biar eksis adalah dengan memenangkan kompetisi nyanyi tingkat nasional/ Yah, didoain aja mudah-mudahan aja berhasil :D  Yang saya senengin dari serial ini adalah, entah kenapa, hampir setiap lagu yang mereka nyayiin ulang selalu lebih oke kalo menurut saya. Bahkan Glee Cast (sebutan buat para pemainnya) berhasil bikin saya suka sama lagu-lagu yang tadinya saya ga suka. Mungkin karena lagu-lagu itu dinyanyiin ulang dengan nada, tempo, irama, yang lebih bergaya anak muda kali yaaa..

Episode 10 berjudul "Yes/No". Nah, udah bisa nebak belom arah pembicaraan saya? Iye benerrr, it's about the male lead characters who proposed to the female lead characters. Wait a minute! Characters? With S??? Yup! There were TWO proposals in one episode! Yang kedua bener-bener bikin saya shock, sampe merinding disko. Here they are.

First is the words Will, the Glee Club supervisor said to propose to Emma, the 'guru BK'.
"Emma, you are the one. You always have been.
The truth is I feel like I have to stop myself from doing this 
from the second I first saw you.
The first time I held this hand, 
it felt like I've held it a million times before.
Like somehow it's always been here.
Life is messy. It just is. And I, I know that's hard for you 
but that's why you have me.
To balance things out. But you have to realize, 
you do that for me too. Every day.
Loving you and being loved by you makes everything better. 
I love you with everything I am 
and everything I ever hope to be.
So, Emma Pillsburry, 
will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Second... Okay, this is very very unbelievable! Finn proposed to Rachel!!!
" *taking a deep breath*
I just feel like all my life, I've been, 
you know wondering if I was gonna be as much of a man 
as my father was.
Now, all of a sudden, I'm up at night, 
worried that I'm gonna become the man who he was.
Let's face it, I got, I got 'high school hero, live zero' 
written all over me.
Except for one thing: you. 
You're like a, a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness.
You're like this big gold star, and for some bizarre reason, 
you chose to let me love you.
And I feel like if I can just convince you 
to let me keep doing that, I'm gonna be okay. 
Everything's gonna be okay.
*taking out a ring from his pocket*
I opened up my first credit card to get this.
I know it's not a swimming pool full of dancers or a tux or...
It's not very big, but it's a promise, 
promise to keep loving you for the rest of my life.
All you've got to do is say yes.
*getting down on his one knee*
Rachel Berry, will you marry me?"

Jadi ngebayangin gimana nanti calon suami saya ngelamar saya... POP! *muncul bubble di atas kepala*
Naaah, it's just me being melodramatic. Again!


-kieky- said...

oohhhhh my god!!!! km spoiler bgt siihh, kan ak blm nonton yg season 3 -___-''

the proposal is totally sweeet *wink wink*
bikin mupeng se-mupeng2nya hahahaha :D

zpudjiastuti said...

nyahahahaha.. siapa suruh baca postingan yg ini :P
sana gih buruan nonton, banyak lagu baru yg asik2 lhoooo

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